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Going extra mile for homeless


The Walk a Mile in My Boots Challenge is on again this year, with participants being encouraged to go that ‘extra mile’ to help end homelessness.

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Organised by the Hutt St Centre, this year the event will see people clocking up miles during National Homelessness Week from August 1 to 7.

Participants can walk by them-selves or as part of a team and can choose their distance, raising funds for each mile completed. It could be one mile (1.6km) by doing a few laps of the block at home or work, two miles (3.2km) along their nearest beach, or going the ‘extra mile’ and notching up 10 miles (16km).

It is hoped that collectively 60,000 miles will be completed during the week – representing 10 miles for each one of the nearly 6000 people experiencing homelessness in South Australia.

For more information about the challenge go to


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