Proposed antisemitic laws welcomed
The South Australian Government’s decision to ban Nazi symbols has been welcomed by the Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Education Centre (AHMSEC).
The South Australian Government’s decision to ban Nazi symbols has been welcomed by the Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Education Centre (AHMSEC).
Are Catholics in Adelaide concerned about antisemitism being normalised by the decision of Adelaide Writers Week (AWW) to platform two writers whose social media comments have been called out by Jewish leaders and a handful of journalists for engaging in vile abuse towards Jews?
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Heartbreaking stories of families torn apart and the millions of people killed during the Holocaust provided a sombre backdrop to the annual Remembrance of the Shoah service held on November 7.
I had an interesting conversation at the wedding of a friend’s daughter recently. She was marrying a Jewish lawyer from Melbourne and the father of the groom was a lovely soul who was delighted to learn I had spent time on an Israeli kibbutz in my early twenties.
The Australian Council of Christians and Jews has expressed its horror at the murderous attack on worshippers at the Chabad at Poway Synagogue in San Diego over the weekend.
Christians and Jews of Adelaide stood together in solidarity against hatred and oppression on the anniversary of Kristallnacht or ‘night of broken glass’, a turning point in the Nazi's persecution of Jews as Germans rioted across the country on November 9, 1938, targeting Jewish homes and businesses.
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