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Emmaus parish

People People

Letter from Odesa

Emmaus parishioner Maurice O'Connell has spent much of the past 14 months volunteering for an aid organisation in Ukraine. In a letter to the Catholic Women’s League Next Gen group, which has been raising funds for the charity, he writes about the continuing impact of war on the country and its people.

International International

From Emmaus to Assisi

A group of Emmaus parishioners and Catholic Women’s League Next Gen members have returned from the World Union of Catholic Women (WUCWO) General Assembly held in Assisi, Italy.

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Finding light in darkness of war

Members of an Adelaide Catholic Women’s League group have been raising money for Emmaus parishioner Maurice O’Connell who recently returned to Ukraine to continue volunteering for a local aid organisation.


Listening leads to inspired action

After learning of the urgent need for basic household items for women escaping abusive relationships, the Catholic Women’s League Next Gen group decided to see if they could help.


Happy 90th birthday

The Emmaus parish helped Monsignor Bob Rice celebrate his 90th birthday last month with a celebratory Mass at Holy Cross Church followed by a parish picnic on Palm Sunday.


Transforming from the inside

In our continuing series on the Interim Diocesan Pastoral Council, we asked Georgia Steller and Tony Roach about their involvement in the Church, why they nominated to be on the Council and their hopes for the future.