Milestone for Renmark school
St Francis of Assisi College celebrated the official opening of its recently completed Connection Centre, science laboratories and kitchen garden with a blessing Liturgy led by Bishop Karol Kulczycki SDS, Bishop of Port Pirie Diocese.

The celebration was attended by more than 250 students, staff, families and guests including Dr Neil McGoran, executive director of Catholic Education SA; Nichii Mardon, director Catholic Education Port Pirie Diocese and John Neate, chairperson of South Australian Commission of Catholic Schools. Sam Mitchell, a local Aboriginal representative, began the ceremony by conducting an Acknowledgement of Country and Smoking Ceremony.
The Riverland Catholic secondary college, located at Twentyfirst Street in Renmark, is currently in its third year of operation with students in Years 7-10 undertaking Catholic education studies.
Newly built areas include:
- Senior learning centre for Years 10-12 students consisting of classrooms, informal flexible learning spaces, student kitchens, wellbeing area and senior study hub.
- An additional two senior science laboratories to support curriculum requirements of SACE Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Kitchen garden area that has been created to enable students to plant and grow their own vegetables, fruit and herbs. Located adjacent to the Food Tech kitchen, use of the produce is easily accessible for students to collect fresh ingredients to cook with.
Following the ceremony, Bishop Karol blessed the new buildings, which was then followed by tours of the college by principal Nathan Hayes and student leaders.
Mr Hayes said the blessing ceremony celebrated another significant milestone for the college community.
“These additions consolidate our commitment to provide an excellent Catholic education for our students as they progress through their senior education years,” he said.
“It was also an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the many people who have contributed to the vibrant Catholic school community we have become.”
A third stage of development will include a single court stadium, with some performing arts facilities, additional parking and expansion of the oval.