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Portraits of gratitude


‘Legacy’ was the theme for some creative portraits produced by Year 6 students at All Saints Catholic Primary School at Seaford this term.

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In the lead up to graduating and moving on to high school, the students were asked to focus on the legacy they wanted to leave at primary school.

“We encouraged the children to think about how they could continue to work even harder in their last term, towards creating a better world, one that God desires,” explained teacher Fiona Graff.

“Collectively, one of the ideas we decided upon was to show gratitude to our elders within the All Saints Catholic Primary School community.

“Wrapped in the notion that it takes a village to raise a child, we decided to honour and thank all the staff, our shepherds, by creating portraits of them.”

Ms Graff said each student selected a staff member and reflected on the impact they had on their primary school journey and what skills they had helped them acquire.

The portraits, along with a written statement about the staff member, were secretly displayed in the courtyard, ready to surprise the staff.

“The joy and laughter the portraits created was overwhelming,” she said.

“Staff were so very grateful to be revered and honoured.

“Our goal of having our Year 6s create a kinder, more compassionate and respectful world had been achieved, and they are leaving the a positive legacy with their attitude of gratitude.”



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