Creative care
Gleeson Year 10 Religious Education students have been creating a range of board and card games to support children in need through the work of Edmund Rice Camps.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 the traditional week-long camps are not able to be held and instead the children participated in a Camps at Home initiative.
A website was created to help minimise the impact of social isolation, assist families with engaging their children, and provide an experience of relationship and connection between volunteers and participants while physically distant.
A take-home care package was also created and delivered to support these children and their families.
The board and card games created by the Year 10 RE students formed part of these care packages, providing an opportunity for children and families to spend time together, even in isolation.
Teacher Clint Vause said it was a “fantastic way for our students to engage with and support the community, particularly those in need”.
He thanked Edmund Rice Camps executive officer Jessica Alikaris for her support in liaising between Edmund Rice Camps and Gleeson College to make this opportunity possible for students.
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