Schools music festival to return ‘home’
About 2000 students from around the State are already warming up their voices and tuning their instruments in preparation for the annual Catholic Schools Music Festival later in the year.

To be held from September 23 to 26, this year’s music extravaganza will see a return to its former ‘home’ of 27 years at the Festival Theatre. This follows two years at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre whilst the Festival Centre underwent a refurbishment.
Planning is already well underway, with music director Denise Rothall busy visiting the choirs of the 65 primary schools that have enrolled, providing support and guidance in the learning of this year’s program.
Three workshops for the choir trainers will be held during the first two terms of the school year. Among other aspects of the training, Denise teaches the choir trainers vocal techniques that help the children to focus on creating and maintaining a ‘full sound’ and not a ‘school yard’ voice.
Neuromusical educator Dr Anita Collins from Bigger Better Brains and who was featured in the ABC documentary Don’t Stop the Music, was the keynote speaker at the first workshop and provided plenty of inspiration for the choir trainers.
“Music teachers know how beneficial it is for the young brain to learn music and all the associated elements,” festival production coordinator Sam Taylor said.
“Anita validated their goal of providing a musical education to as many students as they can reach out to, and the work they are currently doing. She delved deeper into the science and results of the research that has been undertaken, which supports claims that the activity of learning music helps develop the cognitive connectivity, which in turn helps the whole child.”
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