Cause for celebration at Seaton
The Franciscan Sisters of St Anthony celebrated the news that their founder, Mother Miradio of the Providence, has been declared Venerable at Mater Christi Church, Seaton, on September 10.

After a procession of a statue of Mary around the church grounds, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, principal celebrant at the Mass, read the decree of venerability before his homily.
Mother Miradio was born on February 2 1863 in Castellamare di Stabia (Naples), Italy, and in 1882 consecrated herself to God through religious life.
In 1901 she established the Congregation of the Poor Daughters of St Anthony. Her life and generous service to the Church and the Word is expressed in her ideal: to work for the glory of God and to serve the poorest of the poor and the forsaken.
There have been Sisters of St Anthony in Adelaide since 1992 when Archbishop Leonard Faulkner invited them here. For the past 24 years they have been working at St Hilarion Aged Care Hostel and Nursing Home at Seaton and Fulham.
The celebration also honoured St Teresa of Calcutta whose feast day is September 5. There is a statue of St Teresa in the sanctuary of the church.
During a meal after Mass young members of the Albanian community performed traditional dancing.