Upcoming regional assemblies
Planning is well underway for two regional assemblies to be held in coming weeks.

The Adelaide Hills and Mount Barker/Strathalbyn parishes will gather on Sunday October 29 to discuss topics of importance to the faith communities in Region 9.
To be held at St Catherine’s School Hall, Stirling, sessions on the day include ‘building our understanding of parish’; ‘enhancing the senses of welcome, hospitality and belonging in our parishes’; and ‘growing our commitments to mission, outreach, and social justice’.
On November 4 parishes in Region 6 will assemble at St Joseph’s School Clare to discuss topics such as ‘youth and young families’; ‘faith formation’; ‘leadership and outreach’; and ‘welcoming and inclusion’.
Parishes covered in this region are Gawler, Virginia/Two Wells, Yorke Peninsula, Sevenhill, Riverton/Manoora and Northern Light.
Registration to attend is essential. Contact your parish to register and for more details about the regional assemblies go to adelaidediocesanassembly.org.