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Abortion changes proposed


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A 560-page report on abortion law reform has recommended that abortion be treated as a health issue rather than as a criminal law matter.

The report was provided to the Attorney General Vickie Chapman late last year and it is expected that a bill will be introduced to Parliament early this year.

One recommendation was to allow abortion to full term on the advice of any health practitioner but an ‘alternative’ could be to have a gestational limit after which the approval of two doctors is required.

Under the proposed changes, there would be a 150-metre exclusion zone for abortion facilities with a maximum of one year imprisonment for ‘prohibitive conduct’.

Conscientious objection would be allowed by a health practitioner but they would be required to refer to a practitioner willing to undertake an abortion.

Organisers of an ecumenical Walk for Life to be held on Saturday February 8 said they want to send a message to parliamentarians that “such extreme abortion laws are unacceptable”.


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