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Drawing near to those from afar


As Pope Francis appeals for people to “walk together, with the most vulnerable,” in his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on September 29, a local initiative has been launched by the Adelaide Archdiocese to foster inclusion, acceptance and social cohesion.

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The Draw Near Project is being piloted by the diocesan Justice, Healing and Inclusion office, in partnership with St Brigid’s and St Gabriel’s Catholic schools, the Clearview/Kilburn parish and Vinnies House of Welcome.

The education and outreach program aims to raise awareness about the experience of displaced people within the community, in particular the Kilburn area which is home to a high proportion of asylum seekers.

It mirrors a program from Western Australia’s Office of Migrant and Refugees which was developed to integrate faith and justice, and to foster the fundamentals of Christian welcoming.

Tracey Tessitore, from the Justice, Healing and Inclusion office, said the project uses a “head-heart-hands” pastoral care model to introduce the parish to the plight of asylum seekers in the local community.

On August 11, representatives from the Archdiocese, St Brigid’s, St Gabriel’s, Clearview/Kilburn Parish and Vinnies House of Welcome signed an in principle agreement, committing to their collective partnership in the endeavour.

This was followed by a formation and social education evening at St Brigid’s school on August 21, during which the asylum seeker and refugee experience in Australia was explored.

The Draw Near Project’s outreach period runs through September during which household goods, food, and small hygiene packs will be delivered to those in need in conjunction with Vinnies House of Welcome.

Distribution will occur in October, followed by a Thanksgiving Mass celebration. The goal is to continue the project on an annual basis.

For Michaela Edwards, acting Religious Education coordinator at St Brigid’s School, Kilburn, the Draw Near Project “makes sense”.

“The Archdiocese reached out to us, and we thought it sounded like a great project,” Michaela said.

“We have lots of migrant families and a few refugee families in our school community.”

Fr Selva and Archbishop O’Regan unveiled the new parish logo at the anniversary celebration last month.

St Brigid’s students represent approximately 35 different cultural backgrounds and 80 per cent of students and their families speak English as a second language.

“We help parents at the front office, assisting them to fill in forms and using Google Translate so they understand what we’re talking about,” Michaela said.

“We provide as much as we can to help support people. Everyone who walks through our doors is welcome. We want the best for our students and their families as well.”

Michaela said the project ties in perfectly with St Brigid’s mission statement: ‘We are heart people who are faith-filled in love, who reverence relationships in peace, who pursue excellence in learning and touch the heart of all’.

“We already support Vinnies with the Winter appeal and the Christmas Appeal,” Michaela said.

“Our Year 4, 5, and 6 classes grow vegetables, make soup and make cards to send to Vinnies. Through our community hub, we have a play group that runs Monday to Wednesday and brings our community and refugee families together.”

The school also provide individual support such as resume writing and English classes.

“In order to support our parish, a lot of our teachers run children’s liturgy on a Sunday morning as another way to build connection so the Draw Near Project fits into many things we were already doing within our Church.”

The Draw Near Project signing ceremony coincided with the celebration of two milestones for the Kilburn/Clearview parish, the 70th anniversary of St Brigid’s Church and the 60th anniversary of Good Shepherd Church, as well as 20 years since the twinning of the two parishes. Archbishop Patrick O’Regan celebrated both Masses. His homily centered around mission and community.

A presentation on the history of the community was shared by Fr Selva, followed by a warm speech of gratitude to those present and to his office staff and parish community. A new parish logo was also unveiled.


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