Art competition marks Safeguarding Sunday
Children in parishes will be busy showing their artistic skills this month when they take part in a competition being conducted by the Adelaide Archdiocese as part of Child Protection Week.

The Catholic Church in Australia celebrates Safeguarding Sunday every year on the second Sunday in September.
Archbishop Patrick O’Regan said Safeguarding Sunday provided the opportunity to not only reaffirm child safe practices and protocols but also to celebrate the presences of children and young people in our parishes and communities, as we continue to create and maintain a safe environment for all.
“It also invites people to pray for those harmed by abuse directly and indirectly and recognises the importance of change to ensure children and young people grow up safe and supported by the Church,” he said.
National Child Protection Week (September 1 – 7) has the theme this year of ‘Every child in the community needs a fair go…Every conversation matters’.
“Conversations are powerful tools in keeping children and young people safe,” said Annette Troiani, manager of Safeguarding Operations.
“They help us understand issues, craft solutions and build the brains and social connections of children and young people.
“Speaking up and speaking together about what needs to change for every child, in every community is a conversation that is everyone’s responsibility.
“Children often express themselves through their art and it is a creative way for children to find their voice.”
The competition being held in parishes on the weekend of September 7/8 is an initiative of the diocese’s Integrity and Safeguarding Department.
Child Safe Contact Persons have received a template for the colouring in competition that children and young people in your parishes and communities are invited to participate in on Safeguarding Sunday.
A guide on how to celebrate Safeguarding Sunday and initiatives from the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect have also been sent to parishes.
Each parish will submit a collage of entries to be judged, and a prize will be awarded to the most creative collage.