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A world of opportunity beyond SACE


Secondary school students with disabilities have an opportunity to develop employment skills and experience that will assist them beyond school through a new initiative launched by Community Bridging Services (CBS) Inc.

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Beyond SACE is based on the successful CBS Inc. work transition program, Beyond. Making it Happen! and is recognised by South Australia Certificate of Education (SACE).

Facilitated by CBS Inc., it is a community learning program that awards SACE credits at Stage 1 and 2.

“Beyond assists people with their goals,” said NDIS coordinator Dillon Wright.

“It prepares them for employment that is going to align to their skills and interests. It also looks at people’s independent living skills, whether that’s budgeting, cooking, shopping, or cleaning. It also provides mentoring.”

For Megan, a young participant in Beyond. Making it Happen!, the program was a potential bridge to a future career after taking gap years to figure out her path in life.

“My goal was to find a job that factored in my weaknesses and my capabilities,” Megan said.

The program involved Work Discovery, Work Fit and Independent Living Skills groups as well as one-on-one support sessions during which she was assisted in finding a job using different methods such as online research through Seek and face-to-face interviews.

She also took part in the CBS Inc. Hospitably Inclusive (HI) Project which partners with Sprout Cooking School to prepare people with disability to work in hospitality.

“This gave me the opportunity to expand my skills in the hospitality sector and gave me the confidence to meet new people,” Megan said.

After Megan completed the Beyond. Making it Happen! program and the HI Project, she linked with CBS Inc. Disability Employment Services (DES) team.

Megan’s Employment Officer and HI Project staff supported her in finding a role in an aged care facility.

Inspired by her grandmother’s skills in the kitchen, she is happy in her job and grateful to everyone who helped her along the way, and she encouraged others to get involved in the same initiatives.

“This is a job I could see myself doing for a long period,” she said.

“Currently, my Employment Officer helps me with anything I need or any issues I have at work.”

CBS Inc. has been operating in South Australia for more than 26 years.

“We service the South Australian community, not only in metro locations, but in regional areas as well,” CBS Inc. Project coordinator Mireia Artero-Medina said.

“Everything revolves around finding employment for people and helping them build their skills.”

CBS In. services include DES funded through the Department of Social Services, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Services, and Social Enterprises including the Summit Cafe, the Bearded Dragon Gallery and Community Concierge SA, all of which place people with disabilities in positions that are front and centre.

CBS Inc. Moonlight Speakers initiative provides public speaking services from people with lived experience, such as Megan to the community.

It allows clients to speak publicly at events and information sessions on a fee for service, such as in schools, where the Moonlight Speakers can talk about their experience and what the transition into open employment was like for them.

“At the end of the day, people like Megan are role models,” Mireia said.

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