New vision launched
The Adelaide Archdiocese’s new vision and mission statements were launched last month at the first of three sessions on the upcoming Synod in Rome.

Attended by about 100 people, with more participants joining online, the gathering explored one of the themes of the Synod, ‘communion’.
Diocesan Pastoral Council chair Monica Conway unveiled the vision and mission statements and explained their relationship to communion.
“Inspired by the love and unity of the Trinity we are called to be in communion with each other,” she said.
“Communion requires communication and mutual understanding, grounded in our faith tradition.
“The process of developing the vision and mission statements for our Archdiocese is a part of enhancing and expressing our mutual understanding about what we aspire to be and what we will do to be a Christ-centred, spirit-led, mission-oriented community, accompanying one another, together on the way.”
The statements were developed by the Interim Diocesan Pastoral Council in 2022 out of the recommendations of the 2021 Diocesan Assembly. Their development included processes of consultation and feedback with various people and groups in the Archdiocese.
“No statements such as these are perfect, but they offer ongoing opportunities for reflection, discussion and action,”
Ms Conway said.
“It is up to all of us to make them living statements that will inspire and guide us in our shared mission as a Catholic Community in this place and at this time.”
In a letter to the faithful, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan said it was the Council’s hope that every parish, community, school, and Catholic agency would take up these statements and apply them to their own contexts.
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Living the gift of communion
The session at The Monastery featured addresses by Sarah Moffatt, director of Pastoral Life and Mission; Fr James McEvoy, Adelaide priest and theologian with the Australian Catholic University; and Archbishop O’Regan.
The next two sessions will be held on August 1 and September 12. Bookings via
For more information email or call 8210 8110.
Vision Statement – The Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide strives to be a welcoming, Christ-centred community of believers serving others. As missionary disciples, we are committed to building up the Body of Christ by listening, discerning, and growing in the Spirit, journeying together.
Mission Statement – As followers of Jesus, loved by God, nurtured, and formed in community we are called to be:
- Sharers of faith, hope, and love
- Builders of bridges
- Healers of broken relationships
- Agents of transformation in our world.