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Winter warmer in the Adelaide Hills


Adelaide Hills parish has started a soup kitchen as part of its aim to provide outreach to the wider Hills community.

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The parish’s Social Justice Group last month began operating the soup kitchen every Friday afternoon in the parish hall at Bridgewater and will continue the project until the end of August.

As well as offering several varieties of soup, the group has a free book exchange and other activities such as board games and cards.

“We hope that not only will we provide soup to those who might be hungry, but also offer companionship for those who might be lonely,” said Cathie Oswald, from the Social Justice Group.

“We are looking for donations of books which can be left at the church. And, of course, we are looking for people who might be happy to spend a couple of hours playing cards or simply chatting.”

Parish priest Fr Fred Farrugia has erected a banner on the front fence of St Matthew’s Church to promote the soup kitchen and the group has distributed flyers around Stirling and Bridgewater.

The Social Justice Group also held a very successful ‘Souper Sunday’ in June, raising $720 for the Food Pantry at the Hut Community Centre, Aldgate, and the Asylum Seeker and Refugee Service.

To find out more or offer your support, email or phone 8339 1608.


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