Social issues on agenda
The Catholic Women’s League SA Executive, made up of women from CWL branches across both the Adelaide Archdiocese and the Port Pirie Diocese, is busy planning the 2022 State Conference.
The conference will follow the CWL working theme for this year ‘Come and You Will See’ (John 1 v35-39), as well as touch on the Pope’s encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’.
“To try to understand how others are managing with the social issues of today, we need to learn about these issues, try to ‘walk in the person’s shoes’ and respond in a helpful, empathetic way,” said Anne Redden, State president.
At the conference there will be three guest speakers offering an insight into some of these important social issues.
The State Conference is open to everyone, not just CWL members.
It will be held on Thursday September 1 at The Otherway Centre, 80 Payneham Road, Stepney. Cost for the day is $30 and includes a light lunch as well as tea/coffee.
Registration forms are available through parish CWL branches or from phone 0466 184 788.
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