Planning begins for Laudato Si’ Week
Creating resources to raise awareness and ultimately change ecological practices will be just one of the ways the Archdiocese will recognise Laudato Si’ Week next month.

At a planning meeting organised by the Council for Integral Ecology held on Tuesday evening, 16 people from 10 parishes and schools gathered to discuss how the Archdiocese will celebrate the week-long event from May 16-24.
Council secretary Peter Laffan said those attending were “filled with enthusiasm” and were inspired to share Pope Francis’ message to ‘care for our common home’ with their parish and school communities.
“It was agreed that as part of Laudato Si’ Week the Council will provide resources for parishes to be included in the weekly bulletin as well as a short video produced by the Dicastery for Integral Human Development and Global Catholic Climate Movement which can be shown during Eucharist,” he said.
Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has also been asked to write a prayer for parishes to use during Laudato Si’ Week.
The Council is also encouraging the faithful to support two events during the week – the School Climate Strike on May 21 and the youth Pentecost vigil at The Monastery on May 22.
Those attending the meeting have also committed to working together in the future to plan for Social Justice Sunday, which this year will highlight a Statement on Integral Ecology, and the Season of Creation held in September-October.
Laudato Si’ Week will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si Anniversary Year declared by Pope Francis. It will also serve to celebrate the progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion. It will conclude with the release by the Vatican of The Laudato Si’ Action Platform and Goals, for all levels of the Church, from dioceses to parishes, to become “completely sustainable” by 2027!
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