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Bushfire victims remembered at Kalangadoo


The anniversary of the 1983 bushfires in the South East of the State was commemorated with Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Kalangadoo, on February 16.

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Since his appointment to Penola three years ago, Fr Michael Romeo has celebrated Mass on this day in memory of the eight people from Kalangadoo who died, and others from the towns of Tarpeena, Lucindale and Millicent.

“Those who attended the Mass have vivid memories of the day and those who lost their lives,” said Fr Romeo.

“Candles were lit for the 14 victims whose names were read out at the beginning of Mass.”

The historic Kalangadoo church was built in 1904 and no longer has Mass on a regular basis. Fr Romeo said many people in the surrounding towns had a connection with the place and at various times throughout the year, Mass was celebrated to give the local community and previous residents an opportunity to come together.



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