Two Wells campus takes shape
Xavier College Gawler will open its new state-of-the-art campus at Two Wells at the beginning of next year.
Located in Liberty Estate, the Two Wells campus will cater for students from Reception to Year 6.
With 140 enrolments to date, the campus will include three Reception classes and single stream from
Years 1-6.
“The building has progressed well over the year and everyone is looking forward to day one of school,” said Xavier College principal Mark Flaherty.
“Construction company Mossop has done an incredible job in meeting the tight deadline.”
Renowned for its strong comm-unity feel, Mr Flaherty said this was already evident with the new campus, having run successful information and transition sessions including community members and students.
Staff have been appointed for all classes and Out of School Hours Care as well as support staff, with a mix of gender, experience and youth.
Head of Campus Janet Coomber said: “It has been exciting and rewarding to work on our educational direction of the campus. Staff have been working with professional consultants with a focus on literacy and numeracy.”
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