Disability surveys completed
More than 340 parents and carers have provided input into a major review aimed at strengthening the inclusion, learning and wellbeing of students with disability in South Australian Catholic schools.

The CESA Students with Disability Review recently completed an extensive engagement and consultation process, culminating in a series of summary reports which are available on the CESA website.
Conversations were held with 122 students with disability across metropolitan and country South Australia.
Each student engaged in an open style conversation regarding their experience of learning and wellbeing support, inclusion and participation in the life of the school community.
Some younger students preferred to participate in pairs and prompt each other about special events, support with learning or naming the intervention and support programs and initiatives offered in the school.
Students with significant communication or cognitive difficulties were accompanied by support staff and indicated the areas of learning they enjoyed and the programs, classes and school activities that they participated in on a daily basis.
Also surveyed were 100 members of the community, 98 principals of Catholic schools, 822 staff and 56 staff in the Catholic Education Office.
The responses provide deep insight into the perspectives and experiences of how Catholic education is serving the needs of students with disability.
In many areas they point to common experiences and assumptions. In some areas they reveal important variations.
In parallel with the stakeholder engagement and consultation process, the review has undertaken visits to mainstream, special and special setting schools and schools with special units to interview principals, inclusion coordinators and other leadership team members.
The Review is now entering the next phase of analysing the key issues and challenges and identifying the solutions and strategies that best address them.
For more information visit www.cesa.catholic.edu.au
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