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Delving into Catholic history


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The Australian Catholic Historical Society (ACHS) has made available a new suite of online resources on special topics in the history of the Catholic community in Australia.

A page on architecture, art, drama and music displays the breadth of Catholic culture, while one on intellectual life shows the depth of Catholic contributions to philosophy, theology, literature and the theory of society.

Other resources cover Catholic charities, Catholic involvement with Indigenous Australians, women in the Australian Church, Irish Catholics, and the sexual abuse crisis.

A page of podcasts and videos includes links to newsreel footage of major events, from Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Day parade of 1932 to Mary MacKillop’s canonisation.

“Anyone, from school student to leisured retiree, can quickly gain an insight into any aspect of the rich Catholic heritage of our country,” he said.

Founded in 1940, the ACHS has a long tradition of providing information through talks, journals and newsletters.

ACHS president Dr John Carmody welcomed the resources.

“As would be expected of an organisation which deals with the story of a ‘universal’ Church, the Australian Catholic Historical Society has always sought to look both inwards and outwards; indeed, forwards as well as backwards,” he said.

“We’re concerned with individuals as well as institutions; with parishes as well as nations; with philosophy as well as pragmatism.”

ACHS vice president Professor James Franklin said each page gave an easy-to-use overview of the topic, with a wealth of links for further browsing.

To view the resources, visit:


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