Homely affair
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross has been supporting the protocols introduced by Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ for South Australian Catholic churches.

The Ordinariate usually conducts Mass for its small congregations at two centres – a private chapel in Clearview and St Monica’s Church in Walkerville. However, it decided to join Catholic parishes in suspending Mass services and subsequently Fr Ian Wilson created a modified Mass setting and makeshift altar in his home.
He and his wife Nan filmed the Mass for viewing as a replay on YouTube and then advanced to live streaming by Palm Sunday.
With Nan acting as sacristan, cantor and musician, Fr Wilson has been celebrating Mass in their home since then.
“We’ve had quite a good response from local, interstate and overseas viewers, and I believe that some of our congregation tune in and sing along on Sundays,” said Nan.
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