Adelaide theologian invited to abuse crisis forum
Adelaide priest Fr James McEvoy will join a high-powered gathering of theologians and ethicists from around the world for a three-day workshop on the clerical sex abuse crisis at the Gregorian University in Rome next month.
The university’s Centre for Child Protection and Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, an international network of moral theologians, is hosting a ‘laboratory’ focusing on understanding and responding to the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
The organisers, including Prof James Keenan SJ from Boston College and Prof Hans Zollner SJ from the Centre, have invited more than 70 people from around the world to participate in the workshop from March 11 to 14.
The meeting has been called a ‘laboratory’ to emphasise active engagement of all participants in advancing theological thought, reflection and leadership in response to the crisis, with a view to supporting the global Church in its response.
Leading theologians and ethicists from various European, African, Asian and Latin American countries as well as strong representation from North America will be joined by four Australian delegates: Fr Richard Lennan (currently in Boston College); Fr McEvoy (Australian Catholic University, Adelaide); Dr Dan Fleming
(St Vincent’s Health Australia); and
Dr Neil Ormerod (Sydney College of Divinity).
Dr Fleming and Prof Keenan will publish the outcomes of the process, with a view to providing a theological resource for the Church as it responds to this crisis around the world.
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