Red Wednesday to support persecuted Christians
St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral will ‘go red’ on November 20 as a show of support for Christians being persecuted around the world.
‘Red Wednesday’ is the initiative of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the only international Catholic charity dedicated to supporting persecuted Christians.
In Adelaide, the Cathedral will be decorated with banners and parishioners will be given special prayer cards to mark the event.
“It is a day to gather and pray for those who are persecuted for their love of Jesus Christ,” ACN organisers said.
“Cathedrals, churches and public buildings around the world will light up in red to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“It is clear that the persecution of Christians is worse today than at any time in history. In terms of the numbers of people involved, the gravity of the acts committed, and their impact, not only are Christians more persecuted than any other faith group, but ever-increasing numbers are experiencing the worst forms of persecution.
“The purpose of Red Wednesday is to join together and raise a strong voice in support of the persecuted who are unable to speak freely, and who look to us – brothers and sisters in Christ – to speak on their behalf.”
Red Wednesday coincides with the release of the ACN’s biennial publication Persecuted and Forgotten, a report assessing the nature of threats to Christians and the underlying causes in the period from July 2017 to July 2019.
Some of the key findings reveal that the persecution against Christians has worsened the most in South and East Asia, which is now considered a regional ‘hot spot’.
“Church attacks in Sri Lanka and the Philippines show that there is now an unholy trinity of threats facing Christians in South and East Asia: Islamic extremism, popularist nationalism and authoritarian regimes,” the report said.
It also claims that while the international community is showing “unprecedented concern” regarding persecution, it is “running out of time” if it wants to save Christianity in many parts of the Middle East.
“Measures taken to date may not be enough to secure the future of the Church’s presence there,” the report said.
To view the report go to For more information about Aid to the Church in Need go to
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