Calendar to mark Victor Harbor centenary
A year of centenary celebrations has been captured in a 2020 calendar produced by two members of the Victor Harbor Catholic community.
On Sunday March 8 next year parishioners and guests will gather to commemorate 100 years since the laying of the foundation stone at St Joan of Arc Church. Several events are being planned to mark the occasion and the organising committee agreed a calendar would be the perfect way of recognising the special year.
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Rob and Jocelyne Randabel Williamson, volunteered to take on the formidable task of compiling the calendar, which will soon be printed and available for purchase.
It includes information on the history of the church and its patron St Joan, as well as the birthday dates of parishioners and planned activities of various groups in the church community.
Local businesses have supported the project through their sponsorship.
Competent computer user “but not a graphic designer”, Rob estimated he worked on the calendar eight hours every day for a month, amounting to about 400 hours in total.
“It was a challenge,” he said.
“I’m glad the centenary comes around only every 100 years. I won’t be around next time, but I learnt a lot!”
Centenary committee member Meredith Cunningham said other projects were also underway for the 100 year celebration, including a history of St Joan’s Church through the eyes and stories of more than 50 of its parishioners.
“This includes a valuable contribution from Ian Reid who finished his short history just before his death. Ian will be remembered always for his careful research,” she said.
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