Ecological conversion second nature for Hills school
Four years on from the launch of Laudato Si’ – Pope Francis’ passionate call to all people of the world to take “swift and unified global action” to protect the environment, Catholic students in South Australia are continuing to embrace his message.

With World Environment Day taking place on June 5, schools celebrated the occasion in different ways, from participating in an annual event in the Botanic Gardens to promoting local environmental initiatives.
Four years on from the launch of Laudato Si’ – Pope Francis’ passionate call to all people of the world to take “swift and unified global action” to protect the environment, Catholic students in South Australia are continuing to embrace his message.
In the Adelaide Hills, St Catherine’s Parish School Stirling used the occasion to celebrate the opening of the latest addition to its ‘Nature Play’ environment, which includes a new storage area and extra equipment.
“This will be used by classes and during play times to encourage students to connect with nature in positive and collaborative learning experiences,” said the school’s acting APRIM (Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission)
Mrs Krystina Dawe.
“St Catherine’s School has a rich connection with the environment. Staff, students and families honour their call to care for their creation through ecological conversion.”
The school recently refurbished its play spaces to incorporate a large range of play equipment including climbing logs, water play, rope climbs, garden beds and wooden seating areas. The next stage will be integrating Nature Play into students’ daily experiences.
Mrs Dawe said one of the “greatest motivations” to continue to build on the school’s work in this area was Laudato Si’ and the Pope’s insistence that ‘our relationship with the environment can never be isolated from our relationship with others and with God’.
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