United call to Parliament for climate action
Diverse faith and community leaders, climate scientists and doctors joined forces in the heart of Parliament House to provide an urgent climate briefing to politicians.
‘The Human Face of Climate Change’ event, organised by the Multifaith Association of SA and co-sponsored by the nonpartisan Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism and Religions for Peace Australia, was held on the last sitting day before global UN climate talks begin today at COP24 in Katowice, Poland.
It made a unified call for urgent climate action to address risk from climate change.
“People of faith in Australia feel our government needs to urgently mount an ethical response to threats posed to vulnerable communities from escalating climate impacts right across our region of Oceania,” said Philippa Rowland, President of Multifaith SA.
“Faith leaders are making personal commitments to lifestyle changes in transport, energy use and diet – areas with a high impact on climate change. Yet it remains crucial that our elected representatives commit to rapid cuts to Australia’s highest per capita emissions in the world, and a rapid transition to a low carbon economy and renewable energy.”
Multifaith SA teamed up with Clean Energy For Eternity (CEFE) from Bega to organise a Human Sign saying NOW on Parliament House lawns. This is part of a wider mission to spell out “MAKE THE SWITCH NOW 100% RENEWABLES….IMAGINE”, by people standing shoulder to shoulder in formation and solidarity on climate action.
“We send an unequivocal message to politicians that everyday Australians – the people most affected by climate change – are doing more than their fair share to bring down emissions and fight climate change,” said CEFE president Matthew Nott.
“Our elected officials must act right now to make the transition away from fossil fuels to a 100 per cent renewable Australia, or get out of the way,” he said.
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