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Josephite leader elected new CRA chief


The election of Sister Monica Cavanagh rsj as president of Catholic Religious Association (CRA) was greeted with resounding applause at the 42nd National Assembly last month.

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Sr Monica (pictured) is congregational leader of the Sisters of St Joseph.

“It is a great honour to be elected by my peers to the role of president,” she said. “I believe the voice of religious men and women is very important at this time in the life of the Church and the community. We are called to be the prophetic voice – we must be courageous and respond as ecclesial women and men.”

After a structural review, CRA has moved away from State representation to a more holistic model of shared leadership. The new council members include: Peter Carroll fms, Eveline Crotty rsm, Patty Fawkner sgs, David Hawke fsc, Mary-Clare Holland op, Anne Lane pbvm. Tom McDonough cp, Clare Nolan rsc, Paul O’Keeffe fsp, Noreen Reynolds op, Brian Vale ssc, Lucy Van Kessel pbvm and Stancea Vichie mss.

Sr Ruth Durick osu, provincial of the Ursuline Sisters and outgoing President said she was confident in the new team.

“Catholic Religious women and men are a voice for those who are marginalised by society and by the Church,” she said.

“I am proud to have served as President for the past two years and will keep Sr Monica and the new Council in prayer as they lead us into an emerging future.”

Sr Monica said she was deeply grateful for the leadership of her predecessor and understands the task ahead.

“I have a vision about the Church becoming a community of disciples rather than a hierarchy. As president, I will be guided by God, and trust that the Holy Spirit can accomplish great things through our work together.”


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