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Old and new combine to mark 95 years


Celebrations for Rostrevor College’s 95th year brought the past and the future together with a traditional Mass for college founder Edmund Rice - while a high-tech drone hovered above the spectacular College grounds.

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Rostrevor Principal Brian Schumacher said the Mass acknowledged the importance of Edmund Rice and his great compassion for suffering people, especially youth.

“We are also celebrating our 95th Anniversary this month so we give thanks for all that has been given and lived and reflect and look forward to the future,” Mr Schumacher said.

The ambitious drone photo shoot saw all 750 students fill the giant “95” shape on the oval before taking part in the Mass followed by a College-wide fundraising fair called “Unfair Day”.

Rostrevor’s Unfair Day began in 1988 and acknowledges the inequitable distribution of wealth around the globe. The money raised will be taken to India by the College’s 2018 Pilgrims in November.

“This event is a celebration of the life of Irishman Edmund Rice, who became a holy man through the great work of providing schooling to uneducated boys and young men, particularly the poor and disadvantaged,” Mr Schumacher said.

Through the order he founded, Christian Brother schools were started all over the world, including many in Australia.

The 95-year celebrations were capped off last week (May 26) with a large reunion-style event at the Adelaide Town Hall for students past and present, their families and College supporters.

“This event brought the entire Rostrevor community together and celebrated what has been achieved by the school over its life and enabled us to articulate our vision for the future as we approach our Centenary,” Mr Schumacher said.



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