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Golfers return to West Lakes


Clearview/Kilburn scored its first John Mahoney Parish Trophy at the annual Clergy-Laity Golf Day at West Lakes Golf Club on March 19.

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Clearview/Kilburn’s aggregate of 102 Stableford points from its best three (Greg Byrne 38, Fr Leon Czechowicz 33 and Robert Hughes 31) prevailed over Henley Beach (97) and Payneham (90).

A field of 79 players hit off with a shotgun start in ideal weather. The field included seven clergy and nine women.

Competition for the Dean Travers Cup (best Stableford score) was again very keen but Rod Hern won for the second time with 39 points from Greg Byrne (38). Fr John Folkman justified the long drive from Whyalla to win the Archbishop Leonard Faulkner Trophy for clergy with 37 points. The Emeritus Archbishop was a welcome guest at the dinner.

Laity club handicap winners were – A: Greg Byrne (Clearview/Kilburn) 38, B: Russell Boyd (Willunga) 37 C: Michael McInerney (Para Hills/Modbury) 35 and Women: Margo Canino (Brooklyn Park/Richmond) 36.

Social players were subject to the Callaway Handicap System with Roger Best (33) beating David Wark on a countback.

Returning to West Lakes for the first time in 20 years, players found the course had changed considerably since 1998. Fairways and greens were in excellent condition but there were some significant changes in course configuration. Mounding between fairways and tree growth added to the challenges. The strong breeze also increased the difficulty and many players recorded lower scores than usual.

The spirit and fellowship of the day continued over dinner in the spacious clubrooms and dining area.

The event will be held again at West Lakes next year on Monday March 25.




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