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Stars align at Lockleys


Science and theology will converge during an interactive ‘God and the Stars’ event to be held at Christ the King church hall at Lockleys on November 8.

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Lockleys parish priest Fr Michael Trainor and Dr Andrew Guidi will explore the relationship between theology and science, linking back to the story of creation in the Book of Genesis.

Fr Michael, a lecturer in Biblical Studies at the Australian Catholic University, will explore the ancient, pre-scientific world of the Bible and how this is reflected in the biblical cosmology, Psalms and other parts of the Bible.

“We are committed to ensure the theology and science become collaborate in learning for people of faith,” Fr Michael said.

“Contemporary Catholics often bring a contemporary understanding of science and impose that upon texts of the Bible that come from a pre-scientific world.

Dr Andrew Guidi discussing space and technology. 

“In this project, I outline the biblical cosmology that underpins the stories of creation, the way God is perceived in power over the stars and the planets, and how the beauty of this gets picked up in those that wrote the Psalms, the prayer book of Jesus.

“Rather than being in conflict with each other, science and theology can add a greater dimension of faith understanding to our Catholic practice and engagement with the stories of creation and the Bible.”

Dr Guidi will draw on his professional leadership in space and technology and his involvement in satellite surveillance.

“My focus will be to explore the linkage between science and theology to explain the origins of the universe as well as to touch on areas in the universe’s evolution where religious leaders have provided not only spiritual but actual scientific contributions to our understanding of how the universe came to be,”
Dr Guidi said.

“I will touch on a number of important discoveries that have been made through scientific projects in recent times which actually provide us with a deeper insight of topics such as the age of the universe, how the universe came to be, as well as what is the actual composition of the universe itself and the forces that dominate our existence.”

God and the Stars starts at 7pm on Friday November 8. The $15 ticket cost covers a selection of wine and cheese. E: or phone 8356 8887


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