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YCW to stage Australia Day music festival


Young Christian Workers has received a grant from the National Australia Day Council to hold an Australia Day event in the south of Adelaide.

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The Morphett Vale Australia Day Youth Music Festival ’24 will bring young people (18 – 35 years old) from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, those born in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, international students, migrants and refugees together on stage for an Australia Day celebration.

The festival will start with a Welcome to Country smoking ceremony and acknowledgement of Australia’s past by local Aboriginal elder John Lochowiak. The festival will include musical performances, food and interactive workshops, Aboriginal and multicultural celebrations by young people who will reflect on and celebrate Australia’s multicultural identity.

To be held the Morphett Vale Community Hall, the event builds on YCW’s work with young people from diverse communities and will be followed up by other events after the festival to continue ‘Reflecting, Respecting and Celebrating’ Australia’s rich and inclusive identity.

Free refreshments will be provided. All are welcome. 

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