Ready for local WYD
As pilgrims converge on Lisbon, Portugal, for World Youth Day, locals are also preparing to celebrate in Adelaide.

The Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA) is hosting a weekend of WYD events so that local young people can still feel part of the international celebrations – albeit from a distance.
The first event on August 4 will see senior students from Catholic schools planting about 1000 trees in the Victoria Park wetlands.
On August 5, everyone aged 16 to 35 is invited to attend a series of activities being hosted at Sacred Heart College, Somerton Park. A highlight will be the ‘Power Up’ workshop by educator and motivational speaker, Gianna Lucas. Local presenters include Maddie Kelly, Greg Bowyer, Hannah and Mary Yates, Michaela Howard-Jones and a Q&A panel with faith leaders.
In the evening there will be encounter through a special WYD liturgy, dinner and a concert.
On August 6 parishes and communities are being asked to celebrate WYD at the local level. COYYA has prepared resources to help get people involved, such as ways of including young people in the Mass, an after-Mass celebration, activities for young people or a listening forum.
More information at