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Walk supports sanctity of life


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Catholics are being urged to be the voice for the voiceless and show their support for the sanctity of life through the annual Walk for Life this month.

This is the first walk to be held since the State Government passed the abortion up to birth legislation in 2021. In a letter to clergy last month Vicar General Fr Dean Marin said even though the legislation had passed the “witness for life needs to continue”.

“For us the bigger context is the respect for life at all stages and in all situations,” he wrote.

“Respect for life is a ‘seamless garment’ and covers end of life issues, the aged and disabled, domestic violence, the homeless and poor, acceptance of refugees and other areas of social justice.

“Whilst continuing to witness to the right to life of the unborn in our society our call is to apply the ‘Gospel of Life’ in all areas.

“I invite a response from you or your parishioners or community members for ideas as to what more we could be doing on a Diocesan level.”

The Walk for Life will start at Pennington Gardens, Adelaide, at 10am on Saturday February 12. For more details and to register for free tickets go to



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