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A fair go for every child


Children are being encouraged to show their artistic skills as part of a competition marking Safeguarding Sunday on September 8.

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Safeguarding Sunday occurs on the second Sunday in September at the end of National Child Protection Week (September 1 – 7).

A competition is being conducted by the Adelaide Archdiocese’s Child Protection Office. Children attending Mass on the weekend of September 7 and 8 will be invited by their parish to draw, colour in or create their best artwork.

The parish will submit the collage of entries which will be judged and a prize awarded to the parish for the most creative collage.

This year’s theme for National Child Protection Week is ‘Every child in the community needs a fair go…Every conversation matters’.

“Conversations are powerful tools in keeping children and young people safe,” said Annette Troiani, manager of Safeguarding Operations.

“They help us understand issues, craft solutions and build the brains and social connections of children and young people. Speaking up and speaking together about what needs to change for every child, in every community is a conversation that is everyone’s responsibility.”

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