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16th June 2023

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Donors power long-term change

Hutt St Centre will be cutting its carbon emissions and working towards net zero, with two generous donors stepping forward to fund a solar panel system at the well-loved charity.

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Calvary legal challenge fails

Calvary has expressed its disappointment with the ACT Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the application challenging the validity of the Health Infrastructure Enabling Act 2023. 


Role models inspire OLSH students

‘Where are the world’s great needs in relation to my gifts and deep desires of my heart?’ This is the question Dr Joanna Howe put to students of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College at the Enfield school’s annual Mentors’ Breakfast last month.


Moving forward in harmony

Many Catholic schools around the State celebrated Reconciliation Week from May 27 to June 3, including St Paul’s College which held a special assembly to reflect on the wrongs of the past while acknowledging the importance of moving forward together in harmony.


Indonesian influence down south

Catholic school students from the southern suburbs joined together to sing songs in Indonesian as part of the annual Indo Fest celebrations on May 21.