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Opinion Opinion

The way we gather matters

Christmas lunch is either something you look forward to or something you dread. The food, the company, the conversations, the gift exchange; a lot of it hinges on both the choices you make and the people you are with. Are we gathering out of obligation or with love? How well do we know the people around the table? How could we make time with family and friends more meaningful?

Opinion Opinion

If we can’t have Mass…

Christians have always gathered together to give praise to God on Sunday, the day of the Lord’s resurrection. In this they carry out Jesus’ words at the Last Supper: “Do this in memory of me.” We know that Christ is always present when the faithful come together, and whenever we gather for Eucharist it is the whole Body of Christ that gathers, with Christ as head and us as his members.

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Exploring the Mass

Why is the Mass the way it is? What do the various parts mean? Why is the Mass so important to Catholics? These are some of the questions answered in the latest edition of the Pilgrims Quest publication Making the Most of the Mass.


Thou shalt not worry

Our experience of celebrating Mass can vary, depending on the quality of the music and liturgy, the relevance of the homily and the participation of the congregation. It might also depend on our own mood and state of mind. But there is usually a take-home message and a spiritual nourishment that sustains us as we go about our daily lives in the week ahead.