‘Let the little children come to me; Do not stop them; For it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.’
Early in June we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, often referred to as the ‘birthday of the Church’, when Peter and the other apostles presented the Good News of Christ to the Jerusalem crowds who heard them speaking in their own language. So we could say that, right from the beginning, the character of the Church has been multicultural!
The Masso Foundation has announced the release of the Missal App - a complete Australian version of the Roman Catholic Missal that includes readings and responses for Australian congregations.
For many Catholics, Sunday Mass is just part of the fabric of our Christian life. We began attending Mass at an early age and became familiar with its structure and content over the years almost ‘by osmosis’. Those of us who attended Catholic schools will certainly have received some teaching about Mass and the sacraments, but for many of us, it is not something that we have studied deeply.