Review of school disability services
Catholic Education SA is conducting a Students with Disability Review to identify how Catholic schools across South Australia can strengthen the inclusion, learning and wellbeing of students with disability.

Endorsed by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools, the review will examine policies, programs and support arrangements for students with disability.
“Catholic Education South Australia is committed to a culture where every student belongs, is valued and is included,” said Professor Denis Ralph, chair of the Commission.
“We have a longstanding commitment to the learning and wellbeing of students with disability, but we wish to always improve in how we achieve our mission.
“We want to listen to the lived experience of students with disability, their families, and members of the community.”
The perspectives of students with disability will be gathered through student interviews with the permission of parents. The consultation will also seek input from leaders and staff across Catholic schools and from external agencies responsible for disability services.
The review will use the Australian Government’s Disability Standards for Education as its reference point. It will analyse the relationship between what Catholic education’s policies say should be happening and what students are experiencing.
The purpose and process for the review are available at The survey closes on August 3 2020.
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