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Swim through the ages


Swimmers representing five different decades took to the water as part of Blackfriars Priory School’s 50th annual swimming carnival held last month.

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In February 1970, the Adelaide Aquatic Centre had been opened for only three months when Blackfriars held its first swimming carnival there.

Five decades later, almost to the day, the Prospect school celebrated its ‘golden anniversary’ carnival with a special ‘Splash and Dash’ event.

Twenty old scholars raced in five relay teams, each representing a decade during which the carnival has been held. Extra teams were involved including father-son groups comprising old scholars racing their current student sons, as well as the winning 2020 Open relay team.

Out of necessity the race was a handicap event, with the team from the 1970s starting 30 seconds ahead of the 2010 team, which featured four current day Adelaide Jets National League Water Polo players.

Adding to the celebrations, Marc Keegan, who led Aquinas House to victory at the 1990 swimming carnival, attended to present the winners’ shield to Denifle/Jarrett houses.




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