Growing boys to men
St Paul’s College has introduced a ‘Growing Boys to Men’ rite of passage program which celebrates the different stages on a young man’s journey of life and learning.

Reception students and their families recently attended a special liturgy and celebration of welcome at which each boy and their family was presented with a small lemon tree symbolising their ongoing development.
“I found it an honour to acknowledge with these families that we will journey with them, watching their boys grow and develop, hear their laugh, wipe away their tears, tell them that yes they can when they doubt themselves, challenge them to be the best they can be and when necessary provide the boundaries that help to keep them safe,” said Angela Collins, assistant principal (Religious Identity and Mission).
“As the roots of a tree continue to grow, we pray that each boy continues to deepen his sense of connection within our community.”
Principal Paul Belton said the college was committed to the “holistic development and wellbeing of our students”.
“Our focus is on the education of children that they may be best prepared to be positive contributors in our ever-changing world.
“It is our joy to see our bright young minds develop all the virtues of a good man. This can only be achieved through an ongoing collaboration between college and family.”
Future celebrations at St Paul’s will include a mother-son dinner, father-son day and the Year 12 graduation.
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