Synod gathering
The Adelaide Archdiocese is preparing its response to the synthesis document produced following the first session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome.
The response will incorporate feedback from a public gathering being held in Adelaide on March 14.
Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, one of two Australian bishops’ delegates at the Synod, said a wide range of topics were discussed and discerned at the first session in Rome.
“The Vatican is now seeking feedback on the synthesis document as it prepares for the second Synod session in October,” he said.
“The Archdiocese will submit an eight-page written submission to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference responding to the synthesis report. This will also be sent to the Secretariat of the Synod.”
The ACBC will send diocesan and national reflections, along with a collation of diocesan testimonies, to the Vatican by May 15.
Archbishop O’Regan also announced that the next Diocesan Assembly would be held on Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15, with a venue yet to be confirmed.
The Towards 2024 Synod Public Gathering will be held at the Festival Function Centre, 292 Findon Road, Findon, on March 14 at 7pm. RSVP: