Schools celebrate past and present
Catholic schools around the State have been celebrating Catholic Education Week and 200 years of Catholic education in Australia, culminating in a Mass celebrated simultaneously around the country.

In Adelaide this morning , more than 550 students and staff gathered in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral for the national celebration which featured a message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
Earlier in the month, schools held their own celebrations during Catholic Education Week (May 3 to 9), including St Francis of Assisi School Newton which invited past and present members of the community to a special liturgy.
In 1960, the Newton Parish of St Francis of Assisi was formed with the support of the Capuchin Friars who assisted with the pastoral care of Italian immigrants.
In 1965, St Francis of Assisi School, staffed by the Sisters of St Joseph, opened with 70 students in Years 1 to 3.
“For each and every one of the students attending St Francis, the school continues to provide a quality education based on Christian values,” said principal James Meiksans.
There were many other activities held throughout the State to celebrate Catholic Education Week and 200 years of education in Australia.
At St Raphael’s School, Parkside, students formed a ‘human 200’ holding up their hand-made hearts and sharing what they value about their school.
Students at Mary MacKillop Memorial School, Penola, explored how they can raise their hearts and minds to the wonder and awe of God’s creation through photography and art, while Year 2 and 3 students at St Bernadette’s, St Marys, gave letters to staff to thank them for the treasures they bring to the school community.
St Joseph’s School Renmark shared a special liturgy about the need to care for the world and all of its creatures. Students are learning about being stewards of creation and how to create a sustainable future.
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