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'Be more' for Project Compassion


Catholics around Australia are asked to ‘Be More’ for this year’s Project Compassion charity campaign which begins in mid-February.

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Challenging people to venture into a new experience of compassion and taken from the invitation of Saint Oscar Romero, to ‘aspire not to have more, but to be more’, this year’s theme invites people to ‘step up and step out’ for those who do not have the essential resources they need for survival.

Locally, the 2021 Lenten appeal in parishes will be launched at the 10.30am Mass at Good Shepherd Church, Clearview on Sunday February 14 by Vicar General Fr Philip Marshall. Archbishop O’Regan will celebrate the school launch on Shrove Tuesday, February 16, at Thomas More College in Salisbury Downs.

Schools and parishes will by now have received their Project Compassion boxes and resources to be used for fundraising purposes.

Caritas Australia CEO Kirsty Robertson said there was a “powerful Gospel message” in the simple boxes – ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’. (Matthew 25:40).

“In challenging times, it is often our instinct to pull back and withdraw into ourselves,” Ms Robertson said.

“It can feel especially hard to help others when we are struggling to satisfy our own needs, unsure what tomorrow might hold. The COVID-19 pandemic has stirred this feeling of unease in many of us and we hope for a more stable and positive 2021.

“But it is when life is toughest and most demanding that the gospel calls us to ‘dig deeper’ and to go further. In Matthew 5, Jesus says ‘if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles’.”

For more information about Project Compassion visit



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