Hallett Cove parish showcases spiritual vitality and outreach
Hallett Cove parishioners shared examples of their spiritual vitality, outreach to the community and ongoing renewal plans when they met with members of the diocesan leadership team this month.

As part of the parish pastoral visitation, Administrator Delegate Fr Philip Marshall, Chancellor Heather Carey, Ministry and Leadership director Teresa Lynch and Catholic Communities manager Jill Gallio met with members of the parish community to hear their stories. They were accompanied throughout the visit by parish priests Mgr Ian Dempsey and Fr Peter Sheedy, together with Deacon Tim Grauel.
Despite the inclement weather, the full-day of events on Wednesday June 13 got underway with a ‘carpark coffee’ get-together. This enabled members of the team to meet and chat with parents of the school community as they dropped their children at St Martin de Porres School.
Principal Craig Fosdike and APRIM Ben Catalano shared with the team exciting plans for expansion at the school. Building work has now started and is expected to continue for the remainder of the year.
During the morning the team visited classrooms to meet staff, student leaders and parents, as well as the parish playgroup and youth group, Veritas.
Fr Philip celebrated a joyful whole-of-school Mass, before going to spend time with residents at Grandview Residential Care Facility, some of whom received the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.
A diverse range of parish groups – from craft, music, family groups, through to Vinnies, Knights of the Southern Cross and recent RCIA catechumens and candidates – were also included in the visitation program.
Making a special appearance during the day, much to the delight of the leadership team, was Honey the koala. Honey is one of the many koalas cared for by parishioner Rae Campbell in her work at an animal rescue hospital.
Completing the day, parish pastoral council and parish finance council members and their partners hosted a dinner which was attended by the leadership team.
The following weekend the team returned for Mass and a multicultural brunch, which provided another opportunity for parishioners to ask questions and share the story of the Hallett Cove parish.

Honey the koala, held by parishioner Rae Campbell and pictured with Fr Philip Marshall and Mgr Ian Dempsey, was a special guest at the Hallett Cove visitation.

The Mass attended by students at St Martin de Porres School.
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