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Catholic Charities gives thanks

More than 200 students from various Catholic schools in Adelaide attended the annual Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Mass in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on September 10.

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The Mass was led by Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, with Vicar General Dean Marin and Deacon Paul Crowe assisting.

Students from St Aloysius College, Xavier College and Dominican School participated in the readings, while students from Holy Family Catholic School and St Martin’s Catholic Primary School were involved in the offertory and presentation of gifts.

After enjoying lunch on the lawns, students gathered in Cathedral Hall for an interactive workshop. Icebreaker games, led by Sanjay Mohanraj from the Pastoral Support team, brought energy to the room. Jacinta Munro from the Hutt St Centre then hosted a lively pop quiz, sharing insights about their work supporting those experiencing homelessness. The quiz was a hit, and the winners proudly took home Hutt St Centre caps.

Jonathon Louth from Centacare Catholic Community Services spoke about Centacare’s programs that connect with children and youth and introduced the young audience to a video game format of learning.

Claire Davies and Danielle Lentini from Centacare’s Foster Care program led an activity where the students made heartfelt thank-you cards for carers.

Liz Brereton from the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry introduced the students to weaving and dot painting. Every school had its own mini canvas, and under the guidance of Aunty Alice, an elder from the Otherway Centre, the children enthusiastically tried their hands at weaving.

Catholic Charities manager Christina Francis said the day was “filled with learning, creativity, and connection, making it a memorable experience for all”.



Students from Our Lady of La Vang, St Aloysius College, Dominican School, Holy Family Catholic School, St John the Apostle Parish School, St Martin’s Catholic Primary School and Xavier College attended the Thanksgiving Mass and interactive workshop. Picture: Ben Macmahon.

Students from Our Lady of La Vang, St Aloysius College, Dominican School, Holy Family Catholic School, St John the Apostle Parish School, St Martin’s Catholic Primary School and Xavier College attended the Thanksgiving Mass and interactive workshop. Picture: Ben Macmahon. Photo: Ben Macmahon


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks


Catholic Charities gives thanks