Year 7 students from Gleeson College visited St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on April 3, enjoying a guided tour which detailed the history of the building and also gave them the opportunity to hear the pipe organ being played. The students then attended the annual Deceased Bishops Mass which honoured their college patron Archbishop James Gleeson as well as Archbishop Andrew Killian, Bishop Philip Kennedy and Archbishop Leonard Faulkner. The Gleeson College choir performed at the Mass, which was also attended by family and friends of the deceased bishops. Picture: Ben Macmahon.

Freiya Helena Erkelens after her baptism in St Joseph’s Church, Brighton.

Loretta Loader after her baptism in St Martin de Porres Church, Hallett Cove, with parents Raymond Loader and Rachel Szabo and brother Hemi.

Josephine Ava Murphy after her baptism in Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mount Barker.

Chloe Marie Papa is pictured with her godmother Ashleigh Sanders and godfather Simeon Papa after her baptism In the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Woodville.

Children from the Croatian community received their First Holy Communion at St Patrick’s Church recently. They are pictured with Sister Slavica Turcic ASC, who prepared them for receiving the sacrament, and Croatian chaplain Fr Nikica Zlatunic.

‘Living is epiphanic’ was the theme explored by members of the Religious community who attended the annual gathering on April 6.

Fr Michael Whelan SM who was guest speaker at the Religious gathering on April 6.