Feast of St Thomas
More than 500 parishioners attended the feast of St Thomas, patron saint of India, which was held in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral on Friday June 29. Monsignor David Cappo was the main celebrant of the Mass and was assisted by 10 concelebrating priests, most of whom are missionaries from India currently ministering in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The Mass began with an entrance procession hymn, then eight Indian children dressed in their national costumes welcomed the celebrants with the Aarathi ceremony.

Feast of St Thomas Photo: Ben Macmahon

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas Photo: Ben Macmahon

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas

Feast of St Thomas Photo: Ben Macmahon