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Around the parishes

Capturing some of the recent events and happenings around the Archdiocese.

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Sam Kennedy with parents Tim and Sarah and godparents Dan and Kellie O’Rourke.


EXPANDING: Aberfoyle Park parish is experiencing a baby boom with five baby boys born in the past six months. Pictured with their families and parish priest Father Charles Lukati are babies Zac Cotton, Henry Sporowicz, Ellis McCleary, Levi Ryan and Orlando Stevens-Atkinson.


Ava Loureiro with parents Heidi and Eddy.


Parishioners at Our Lady of Protection Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wayville, have been busy collecting canned and dry foods for World Poor Day. Last week parish priest Fr Taras Gorpynyak, Parish Council chairperson Oksana Kosak and treasurer Bohdan Lapka delivered donated foods to the St Vincent de Paul Society which will distribute it to those in need in the community.