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Seafarers show courage

The plight of seafarers, whose lives have been greatly impacted by the pandemic, will be remembered through the annual Sea Sunday Appeal being held this month.

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The 21 crew members aboard the MSC Susanna which berthed at Outer Harbor just before Christmas were grateful to receive a present from the local Stella Maris centre. Under COVID restrictions the gifts were delivered at the bottom of the gangway and the seafarers came down to accept them.

Century of serving seafarers

The support provided by the Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) to seafarers around the world over the past 100 years was recognised locally at a centenary Mass held in December.


Reaching out to confined seafarers

As Catholics around the nation prepare to honour the work of seafarers through the annual Sea Sunday Appeal, the local Stella Maris centre is making a touching gesture to let crews know they are “not alone” and “our thoughts and prayers are with you always”.


Seafarers Sunday

The work of seafarers and Catholics across the country who provide spiritual, social and material support for them will be celebrated throughout the Church in Australia on July 14.


Warm welcome for Sea Sunday

Dozens of Catholic chaplains and managers who work in Australian ports – and the tens of thousands of people who support their work financially – are being reminded of the scriptural imperative to “always welcome a stranger” in the lead-up to Sea Sunday next month.